IT Initiatives
IT Committee Meetings
Spring 2022 IT Committee Meeting
- [Meeting notes, Recordings]
- Presentations
- Amy Schuele, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, CONECT Operations and Integration Services [Presentation]
- Shawn Brown, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, RAMPS Allocations [Presentation]
- Shelley Knuth, University of Colorado Boulder, MATCH User Services [Presentation]
- Tom Furlani, State University of New York at Buffalo, MMS Monitor & Measurement Services [Presentation]
Spring 2021 IT Committee Meeting
Leveraging cloud resources in support of faculty research.
Tech Talks
August 12, 2022 Tech Talk
High Performance Data Facility (HPDF), David Dean, Deputy Director for Science at Jefferson Lab [Video]
- An overview of the HPDF vision and plans. This is an opportunity to find out more about the HPDF and explore how your institution may get involved. David J. Dean is the Deputy Director for Science at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. In this position, he is responsible for the overall development, strategic planning and oversight of Jefferson Lab’s scientific enterprise, ensuring alignment with the Jefferson Lab vision and with DOE mission priorities.
April 2022 Tech Talk
Regulated Research Community of Practice, Carolyn Ellis, CMMC Program Manager at University of California San Diego [Presentation]
- Regulated Research Community of Practice (RRCoP) is a newly formed NSF project developed to reduce the cost of the administrative burden of research institution’s ability to support new Federally imposed compliance regulations. These new compliance regulations often result in building our own experts at each institution with a significant cost to supporting new regulations. Carolyn Ellis shared how RRCoP can address this National challenge.
Overview of the Research Cybersecurity Landscape in 2022, Von Welch, Indiana University [Presentation]
- Von Welch, Director of the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (Trusted CI), provided an overview of the research cybersecurity landscape in 2022. He provided global perspective on the impact of international affairs on research cybersecurity, national perspective on the evolving DoD compliance requirements (CMMC/CUI), and the latest regarding the cybersecurity for NSF, including the JASON working group report, Trusted CI Framework, the new NSF Research Infrastructure Guide, and the ResearchSOC. Von Welch is Associate Vice President for Information Security at Indiana University and serves as PI and Director for Trusted CI, the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, and the ResearchSOC, which provides cybersecurity services to NSF Major Facilities.
Best Practices
Cloud & 3rd Party Vendor Assessment and Management Best Practices Guide
Most universities have multiple departmental and individual entities capable of purchasing software and cloud services that have the potential to expose sensitive personal and/or institutional data. The rise in the availability and adoption of cloud services has dramatically increased the potential for the unintended exposure of an institution’s sensitive information. To help our member institutions evaluate and manage this potential exposure, SURA formed a cloud services and 3rd party vendor assessment working group. March 2018, the working group, issued the “Process and Procedures for Assessing Third Party Software & Service Providers” .
This document is intended to be used by an institution’s IT management team and IT security staff to assist in the development of a process for evaluating cloud and third party vendor software and services with an emphasis on maintaining control of sensitive personal and institutional data. This document has been developed in conjunction with EDUCAUSE and is intended to assist in the development of an institutional process that makes use of the Higher Education Cloud Vendor Assessment Tools developed by Educause.
IT/EM Collaboration Project: Enhancing Emergency Management
November 2015, the SURA IT Steering Group issued the “SURA Technology Services Incident Response Plan Template.” This template is intended to be customized for an individual institution’s needs and provides a starting point for developing and documenting response procedures to various information technology incidents that impact institutional operations, access, or security. This template provides for the definition of specific roles and responsibilities for Technology Services and describes how Technology Services incident response plans can be integrated with an institution’s standing operational groups’ plans (e.g., Emergency Operations Group, academic units, system/server administrators).
Founding Partner of AtlanticWave: Linking Key Networks
Connecting the key research and education network exchange points on the U.S. East Coast, AtlanticWave supports distributed IP peering points in New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, Miami and Sao Paulo. This in turn provides an international peering fabric interconnecting the U.S., Canada, Europe, and South America.