Dr. Mark Atkinson, Dr. Sean Hearne, & Dr. Maura McLaughlin
SURA Distinguished Service Awards
The SURA Distinguished Scientist Award is presented yearly to recognize up to two research scientists, from a SURA member institutions, whose extraordinary work fulfills the SURA mission to “advance collaborative research and strengthen the scientific capabilities of its members and the nation.” The is presented at the Annual Membership meeting in Washington, D.C. and award includes with a $5,000 honorarium.
The nominations period run from November 1st through December 31’st of each year, with the winner(s) announced in the proceeding Spring. The 2025 Award submission process is currently OPEN. Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations! If you have questions, please send them to: award@sura.org.
Submission Process
The SURA welcomes nominations from all SURA member institutions for Distinguished Scientist Award. Responsive nomination packages should include;
• a concise letter of nomination including the qualifications of the nominee, an award citation from the institution’s President, as well as contact information for the nominee,
• a comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum vitæ or biographical sketch of the nominee, and
• up to three (3) letters of endorsement (limited to two (2) pages each) sent on behalf of the nominee. Letters from outside the nominee’s institution are particularly desirable.
Nominations should be submitted by the SURA member institution representatives in electronic form to Scott Heefner, SURA’s Chief Growth Officer at award@sura.org. Only one nomination per institution will be accepted. The nomination period closed on December 31, 2024 at 5 p.m. EST.
Past Awardees
Spring 2023: SURA Presents Distinguished Scientist Awards to Dr. Linsey Marr & Dr. Sherry Yennello
Spring 2022: SURA Presents Distinguished Scientist Awards to Dr. Mark Atkinson & Dr. Maura McLaughlin
Spring 2019: Florida Atlantic Brain Researcher Named Distinguished Scientist & SURA Honors Texas A&M Professor as Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2018: LIGO Researcher Honored as SURA Distinguished Scientist &
SURA Honors UF Plant Biologist as Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2017: SURA Honors Texas University Professor As Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2016: GA Tech Nanotech Professor Honored As Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2015: SURA Honors Florida Pharmacy Dean As Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2014: SURA Honors Georgia Tech Biologist As Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2013: Rice University IT Professor Named SURA Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2012: SURA Honors University of Georgia Chemist As Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2011: U of SC Chemist Named SURA Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2010: UT Austin Professor Named SURA Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2009: SURA Names U of TX Chemist “Distinguished Scientist”
Spring 2008: U of FL Microbiologist Named SURA Distinguished Scientist
Spring 2007: UGA Biologist, Wessler, Named SURA Distinguished Scientist
SURA Distinguished Friend of Science Award – Is no longer an active award. It was Presented to individuals whose extraordinary efforts fulfill the SURA mission to “advance collaborative research and education and to strengthen the scientific capabilities of its members and the nation.” The award was presented to individuals whose extraordinary efforts in the private sector, or in a federal, state or local governmental capacity serve, or have served, to fulfill the SURA mission. The award came with a $10,000 honorarium, which was to be designated to a higher education charitable cause.
Fall 2012: SURA to Honor Task Force for American Innovation
Fall 2011: SURA to Honor Former NSF Director, White House Science Advisor
Fall 2010: SURA to Honored Former Governor Robb
Fall 2009: Augustine Honored with Friend of Science Award
Fall 2007: Senator Warner Awarded “Friend of Science” by SURA
Fall 2006: Senator Alexander Honored with “Friend of Science” Award