The 2024 MSI Graduate Awardees have been selected
WASHINGTON D.C. ― The Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) is pleased to announce that MaKhaila Bentil, Joy Watson, and Emma Quarles, have been selected as the inaugural recipients of the 2024 Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Graduate Awards.

Introduced this year by SURA, the MSI Graduate Awards Program is designed to support exceptional STEM field bachelors degree graduates from non-R1 SURA Member MSIs who wish to pursue STEM related PhD education at a SURA member university. The program supports SURA’s commitment to build diverse and inclusive educational communities by reducing barriers for students in higher education. SURA will honor the awardees at its upcoming Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., this July.
The three awardees are each uniquely capable of excelling in their respective PhD programs and will bring creativity, innovation, and passion to the scientific community. President and CEO of SURA, Dr. Sean J. Hearne, stated that “SURA sponsored this new awards program to ensure that we do our part to build a workforce of tomorrow that represents the population of today. Each of our 2024 MSI graduate awardees, with their impressive experience and qualifications, will be an impetus toward an inclusive culture within the future workforce.”
Awardee MaKhaila Bentil has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and a minor in Mathematics from Virgina State University, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Old Dominion University. Bentil is enthusiastic about advocating for a more compassionate, equitable, and sustainable world through empathetic leadership in addressing societal issues. She already has begun this important work through her numerous accomplishments. Bentil created her university’s first rocket launch team to help students develop technical skills. She was an intern at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in 2022, a student teacher at NASA H2O, and has received several honors, including being VSU’s highest ranking senior. Her passion for advocacy will advance the scientific community.
Awardee, Joy Watson, has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology, and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Virginia State University. Watson, currently completing a Masters degree program in Mathematics, applied for the 2024 MSI Graduate Award, expressing her plan next to pursue her PhD in Mathematics. Watson believes that a PhD in Mathematics will allow her to make an impact as a professor like the teachers who inspired her on her own educational journey and hopes to increase the number of African Americans and women in Mathematics. Watson also has numerous accomplishments, including being an undergraduate researcher at VCU, a Post Secondary fellow at SRI, and a mathematics tutor at VSU Academic Center for Excellence. She served as president of the National Society of Black Engineers. Watson’s determination to increase diverse faces in STEM education is aligned with SURA’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity.
Awardee, Emma Quarles, has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Virginia State University. Quarles is looking to widen her exposure and knowledge in neuropsychology and wants to earn a doctorate degree to become a licensed clinical neuropsychologist serving underrepresented communities such as the Black community. Her research interests include traumatic brain injuries, particularly intending the effects of substance abuse on them. She is a determined visionary, as exhibited by her diverse experience, including research with the Psychoneuroimmunology of Risk and Disease Laboratory, grant development for the NIH Diversity Supplement, and contributing to multiple manuscripts. Quarles also demonstrates strong leadership skills, having been an Executive Board Member of PsiChi Sorority and the captain of VSU’s volleyball team. Her ambition is to serve as a role model for other students from traditionally underrepresented populations.
SURA member representative, Dr. Faison stated, “As both the Chair of the Committee of Minority Serving Institutions and Associate Vice Provost for Research & Economic Development at Virginia State University, I am delighted to celebrate the achievements of MaKhaila Bentil, Joy Watson, and Emma Quarles as they receive the inaugural MSI Graduate Awards. This recognition is a testament to their hard work, determination, and academic achievement, and it reflects the excellence that students from HBCU’s and other Minority Serving Institutions bring to the STEM fields. SURA’s commitment to supporting educational pathways for students from diverse backgrounds is crucial in building a more inclusive and equitable academic environment, and I am hopeful that this program will inspire many more students to pursue advanced degrees in STEM and contribute to the growth and innovation of our academic communities.”
SURA will honor the 2024 MSI Graduate Awardees at its Annual Meeting on July 24, 2024.
SURA is a consortium of fifty-seven member universities that fosters collaborations which enhance members’ capabilities of undertaking significant, transformative scientific research projects that no single institution can handle independently. The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is managed by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of SURA, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
More information about the MSI Graduate Awards Program is available at: sura.org/awards/msi-graduate-awards/
Victoria Aikens
Events and Office Coordinator