Information Technology Committee
Information Technology Committee
The full IT Committee is comprised of CIO’s and computer scientists and technologists of SURA institutions.
An IT Committee Steering Group acts on behalf of the full IT Committee to carry out its responsibilities. The Steering Group meets on at least quarterly basis, coincident or just prior to Board meetings. The full SURA IT Committee meets prior to Board meetings to ensure that the issues of the larger committee are presented to the SURA Board.
IT Committee Steering Group
- Marc Hoit, North Carolina State University, Chair
- Cas D’Angelo, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Brian Ensor, The George Washington University
- Sara Graves, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Julie Griffin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Ralph Zottola, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Joseph Scarcello, Chief Programs Officer, Staff Liaison
Responsibilities of the IT Committee
- Seek and encourage new collaborative IT projects of benefit to SURA member institutions.
- Monitor the progress of the approved and funded SURA IT program.
- Review the plans for future SURA IT projects/programs.
- Provide appropriate comments and recommendations to the Board.