Awards and Fellowships > External Relations
External Relations
In order to support its mission, SURA supports a comprehensive government relations effort with to advocate for federal research funding our programs in nuclear physics, information technology, coastal research, and innovation. To grow the research base and strengthen the scientific and technological capacity of the nation, SURA works in coalition with several organizations.
Recent Efforts
Task Force for American Innovation Coaltion letter in support of FIRST Act funding
Energy Science Coalition Funding Statement for FY15
Participation in National User Facility Organization Hill Day, June 2014
Critical Studies on Expanding Research and Improving American Competitiveness
Rising Above the Gathering Storm REVISITED (The National Academies)
Rising Above the Gathering Storm (The National Academies)
American Exceptionalism, American Decline (TFAI)
Innovation America: A Final Report (National Governors’ Association)
Tapping America’s Potential (Business Roundtable)
We also recognize outstanding individual achievements with the SURA Distinguished Service Awards.