About SURA > Finance Committee
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a Board committee whose members are SURA Voting Members appointed to the Committee by the Board of Directors.
Daniel Sui, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Chair
Padma Raghavan, Vanderbilt University
Srirama Rao, Virginia Commonwealth University
William A. Jones, Jr. SURA CFO & Treasurer, Staff Liaison
Responsibilities of the Finance Committee
Responsible for the financial activities of the corporation including:
- Recommending approval and providing oversight of all budgets
- Development and oversight of all investments
- Development of appropriate spending guidelines
- Evaluation/recommendation of major deviations from financial plans
Act as Audit Committee of the Board:
- Select external auditors and review performance periodically
- Receive and evaluate (with recommendations as appropriate) the annual audit of the corporation as prepared by external auditors
- Initiate any special audit programs by the external auditor
- Participate in the development of the annual internal auditor’s program
- Receive and evaluate (with recommendations as appropriate) the various internal audits
Provide governance and fiduciary oversight of the SURA/Jefferson Science Associates Retirement Plans
- Review and approve all additions and deletions of investment options
- Conduct annual due diligence reviews of the plan assets to determine that the they are managed in an efficient and effective manner and that they remain compliant with relevant ERISA requirements
- Develop and maintain a comprehensive Retirement Plan Investment Policy Statement that incorporates best practice in carrying out the corporations fiduciary responsibilities
- Review and comment on annual tax filings and any significant proposed changes to the retirement plan documents